COVID-19 Update
El Presidio de Santa Bárbara State Historic Park and Casa de la Guerra are closed to the public
In accordance with the latest guidelines from Governor Newsom, El Presidio de Santa Bárbara State Historic Park and Casa de la Guerra will be closed to the public effective immediately.
Presidio Research Center will not be accepting appointments
For the foreseeable future, the Research Center will not be accepting research appointments and volunteers will not be available. The Research Center will be available by phone or email requests, only.
Temporary suspension of guided tours
In an effort to protect public health and the safety of our visitors, volunteers, and staff as the state responds to the continued threat of COVID-19, California State Parks and the Santa Barbara Trust for Historic Preservation are temporarily suspending all school and other guided tours at El Presidio de Santa Bárbara State Historic Park and Casa de la Guerra. While we are not directly affected by COVID-19, we are monitoring the situation carefully and are committed to being responsive and following the California Governor’s recent guidelines on social gatherings to help slow the spread of the virus. Tour reservation holders will be contacted via email or phone for rescheduling updates.
Temporary suspension of large public events
California State Parks and SBTHP are also temporarily suspending all large public events within El Presidio de Santa Bárbara State Historic Park and Casa de la Guerra. Please follow our Events page for the latest updates.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and we thank you for your patience, trust, and continued support. We’d also like to thank our volunteers and staff for their commitment and dedication as public servants through these challenging circumstances. For the most up-to-date information, please bookmark this webpage and follow us on Facebook and Instagram.
Updated as of 3.23.2020, 12:00PM