The Pearl Chase Endowment
The Pearl Chase Endowment was created to receive and encourage planned gifts and bequests, and to provide a permanent financial base for the Santa Barbara Trust for Historic Preservation's ongoing preservation and restoration work. The responsibility for preserving our rich cultural heritage and educating the next generation belongs to all of us. Your investment makes possible our education and outreach programs, tours, lectures, exhibits and events that give visitors of all ages the opportunity to learn about early California history and extraordinary past of Santa Barbara county.
In 2004, SBTHP established Los Distinguidos, a special recognition circle for those who contribute $10,000 or more in current or deferred gifts to SBTHP’s Pearl Chase Endowment. When you inform us of your intent to include SBTHP in your will or estate plan, you will become a member of Los Distinguidos and be listed on the Los Distinguidos Honor Roll, unless you wish to remain anonymous. Members of Los Distinguidos are recognized each year at one of the SBTHP's annual events.
To learn more about making a lasting gift to the Pearl Chase Endowment by joining Los Distinguidos, email SBTHP or call (805) 961-5378.
SBTHP is a vital part of Santa Barbara. This is why we joined Los Distinguidos and made a provision for SBTHP in our will. We value SBTHP's work and want to make sure that it continues for our children and grandchildren.
- Peter and Patricia Kruse

Los Distinguidos Honor Roll
Roger and Debby Aceves
Dr. Herbert Barthels
David Bolton
Dr. Elliot and Mary Brownlee
Terease Chin
Mary Louise Days
Marilyn Brant Chandler DeYoung
John and Tracie Doordan
Sally Fouhse
Sue and Jim Higman
Dr. Jarrell and Michele Jackman
Patricia and Peter Kruse
Craig and Cindy Makela
Lynn P. Kirst and Lynn R. Matteson
Keith Moore
Mosher Foundation
Art and Barbara Najera
Dr. Richard E. Oglesby
Virginia Ridder
Santa Barbara Bank & Trust
Jim and Elna Scheinfeld
Teresa Siebert
Jack Theimer
Ed and Barbara Vernon